• Welcome to Patricia Squires Keys to Intentional Living and Light

This life has taken me to many countries, through many lifetimes and into a greater understanding of myself and humanity. My Crew (my ‘invisible friends’… angels, guides, ascended masters, et al.) has thankfully been with me every step of the way – helping me, holding me and guiding me even when I was not aware of it. From when I was a small child and they would sit on my feet and show me movies to right this moment, as I write this, I am not alone. And neither are you.

The number one thing my Crew has shown me is that It Is All About Now. Yes, Right Now. This is all we really have. And the next thing they have shown me is that each and every one of us are not living fully until we can confidently, assertively, absoultely and joyfully say ‘It Is All About Me!’ This is a very radical view compared to what we are usually taught in this life. Yet, this is the core of living as truly healthy beings on all levels of existence. There is a difference between being mean (what is usually called selfish) and being empowered. (More about this on my Articles & Thoughts/Blog page.) In short, this is the most empowering statement we can ever make. The most loving thing we can do for those we care about, and those who care about us. Yes, it really is all about you, and I am your # 1 cheerleader in this adventure.

I offer this web site as a connecting point for thoughts, people and actions to meet.

As a tool to assist you in building the life you desire.

As a key… a point of entry into that which brings you passion and joy.

Allow yourself the journey into your desired life with better relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself!  Take this opportunity to give yourself better physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual health. Understand how to create the drama-free zone in your daily life… Discover how to let go of the dynamics that are no longer working for you… Explore the keys and tools that have unlocked doors for thousands of others… Enrich your life as they have…

With Joy. With Passion.
Without Pain. Without Confusion.
With a touch of compassion and
a dose of humor!